Summer Fitness Tips

It’s that time babe. Summer time! This year I have been really motivated to get my body in the best possible shape for bikini season! So I have decided to put together a few of my favorite tips & tricks to help you feel your absolute best.  

Since the weather is getting warmer, I love taking advantage of the amazing rooftops NYC has to offer. Not only are you getting fit but you are getting a nice tan too. Double win. 

Before you begin your workout you have to get yourself into the right attire. My personal favorite sneakers are APL and I am obsessed to say the least. Plus, the designs are super sleek and stylish. One thing you should know about APL is that they have a patented Load ‘N Launch device in each shoe that, “provide[s] an instant rebound effect that is transferred up through the foot to enhance vertical leap…” 

Fun fact: These babies enhance performance so much that they were banned in the NBA during the 2010-2011 season. 

First, we have to stretch! Most people forget to stretch but it’s actually really, really important; before & after your workout! I was a competitive gymnast for 18 years and stretching was a major key to enhancing my performance. Stretching keeps your muscles strong, flexible and healthy. 

Okay, I am not saying to attempt a split (lol) but if you want to make this a goal of yours it is possible! Every time you attempt the split you want to try to go further to the ground little by little. You also want to time yourself. I usually stay in this position for 2 minutes until I switch to the other leg.

While its okay to challenge yourself, remember to set realistic goals to prevent injury. 

Also, balance training is extremely important as it will improve your coordination and posture. Handstands are a fun way to improve balance but there are plenty of other ways such as one leg squat reaches, squats on a balance trainer, and more!

Cardio. Cardio. Cardio. This is the absolute best way to get rid of stubborn belly fat. You want to do enough cardio that you start to feel that “cold sweat.” I recommend doing 30 minutes of cardio each day! If you want those abs, cardio will be your best friend. 

Some of my favorite cardio exercises are boxing & cycling

Ladies this one is for you. The truth is that we all want that tight ass (especially for summer). Some of my favorite, yet simple, exercises to get that “perky butt” are lunges, squats with weights, and all of these

I usually do 3 sets of 30 for each exercise. 

Don’t forget to work on your core! Holding a plank is one of the best ways to exercise your abs (I hold this position for about 2 minutes)! I also love these exercises! 

Don’t forget to stretch after your workout too!

Hydrate baby! Drinking water has tons of benefits including weight loss.

These are just a few tips I have for you to get your summer bod ready! When the time is right I would love to have a YouTube Channel that I can show you guys a more in depth workout routine. However, for now I will give you my condensed version: 

  1. Start off your workout by stretching 
  2. Do any type of cardio for a full 30 minutes 
  3. Conditioning exercises 
  4. Pick an area of focus to work on (arms, legs, back)
  5. Ab exercises (you can work on abs every day)
  6. Finish your workout by doing a full body stretch (make sure to focus on your muscles) 







Sports Bra Alo 

Capris Alo 

Sneakers APL 

Water Bottle S’well 

Yoga Bag Lulu Lemon 

Yoga Mat Lulu Lemon


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