Networking Tips

This week is NYFW and my first one ever! I am so excited and have been preparing for it for some time now. Between my outfits, scheduling with my photographer, and emailing brands/PR agencies asking for entrance into shows, I have been working really hard at making sure my first NYFW is a successful one.  

NYFW is a perfect opportunity for rising bloggers to start networking; it is an opportunity to meet all sorts of people in the industry that could potentially help your brand gain the exposure it needs to grow. You get to meet tons of street photographers, designers, rising brands, other bloggers, etc. It is the perfect place to start shaking hands and introduce your bad ass self. 

So with that being said I have decided to give you some tips on how to successfully network. Also, keep in mind that you can use these tips in any industry. 

  1. Be Confident Confidence is key. As cliché as it may sound the truth is that people are attracted to other people who own who they are. Own your success and be proud of what you have accomplished so far. Even if you are just starting out, it is important to be confident. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should someone else?
  2. Be Professional Treat yourself like a business. If you are branding yourself, it is important to treat each action with detail. If you treat yourself like a professional others will too. Also, when approaching someone make sure you are respectful and address them in the correct way. People appreciate politeness. 
  3. Be Assertive If you want something you have to go for it. No one is going to bring you success; success is earned. One way you can be assertive is by using a strong handshake. When approaching a designer or brand you want to collaborate with, look them directly in the eye, state your full name & title (“Hi, my name is Sydney Matone and I am the founder & blogger of Small Talk With Syd”), repeat their name back to them (“Oh hello ‘insert name here’ nice to meet you!” …), and finish with a strong handshake. Having a strong handshake is key as it shows others that you are, once again, confident with who you are. 
  4. Do Your Homework When approaching a brand or designer make sure you know their title and a little background about the company. It shows others that you are seriously interested. It also makes you stand out. 
  5. Business Cards Social media is everything nowadays, but I still think having business cards are really important. There is nothing like holding something physically in your hands, and I think business cards make a stronger impression on people as opposed to “follow me on the gram.” It also shows others that you are treating yourself as a legitimate business. Lastly, your business cards, depending on how you design them, are a glimpse of who you are/what your brand is about. 
  6. Be Personable While you want to be professional, you also want to be personable; and yes the two can go hand-in-hand. You want to be relatable. Some of the best networking is actually done in non-professional settings. So learn how to make small talk ;)  If you aren’t great at conversing be sure to practice with friends and family. Knowing how to spark up a conversation is probably one of the most important factors when networking. Having a conversation can lead to you having something in common with someone and eventually lead you to your next job (not always the perfect resume). Yes, the world works like that. 
  7. Be Humble Nobody likes arrogance. If you start to see success make sure you remain humble. Being humble is attractive and it is a character trait that is highly respected. As the wise Kendrick Lamar once said, “Be humble, sit down.” 
  8. Have Fun This is also cliché but lastly, have fun! Know how to let loose! If people see that you love what you do your energy will make others gravitate towards you. 

Kick ass out there babes!



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